Tuesday, January 27, 2015

7 Things to Put (and Keep) on Your Menu!

There is no doubt that I love real food.  Food without labels, whole foods, colorful foods, animal foods, plant foods and the spices that hold them together.  I even love 5 (or less) ingredient foods, but love them with the power of knowledge.  Food, straight from the ground or right off the spit, is what you are made of!  As February rolls in, plan to load it with real food!   Here are my 7 favorite ingredients:

1: Broccoli.  Broccoli can be eaten as a main dish or as a complete side.  The happy little tree is packed with dozens (yes, dozens) of nutrients from Vitamin A all the way to Zinc.  Soup it, chop it, crop it, slice it, cheese it, steam it, dip it, roast it, egg it or slap it on a baked potato.  Broccoli is a no-brainer.

2: Almonds.  Nuts have essential fats that body tissues, organ lining, skin, brain and reproductive systems require in order to thrive.  Fat not only provides fuel, but it helps the body stay lubricated.  Sneak some almonds on a salad, in some oatmeal, over some fish or green beans, or simply grab a handful for a snack.  The benefits of almonds will keep you healthy from the inside out!

3: Eggs.  Protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy essential fat, great flavor and versatility are all hiding within the perfectly constructed egg.  Pair them with spinach, broccoli, ham, tomatoes, toast, potatoes, onions, mushrooms, or simply poach them by themselves!  You can even have them for dinner!

4: Pineapple.  I love the idea of eating a loco-tarian diet, better known as the 100 mile diet, but not many live within 100 miles of a pineapple; at least not in the USA.  Pineapples are high in Vitamin C, provide a few B vitamins and carry enzymes that promote and create good gut health.  Add this anti-inflammatory fruit to your breakfast, lunch or dessert! (And 'Yes', it is a health food!)

5: Tomatos.  Can you ever eat too many?  I think not!  Salsa, sauce, soup, sliced, diced or grilled, tomatoes truly deliver.  Nutritionally speaking, tomatoes bring 22 nutrients to the table, including magnesium.  Most importantly, they taste good!

6: Maple syrup.  Wait- What?  That's right; I am suggesting a sugar.  Maple sugar is roughly 60% sucrose, versus 100% from the white granulated table variety, with benefits.  Zinc, manganese, calcium, iron and potassium are all dissolved within.  If you already dump sugar in your coffee try swapping it for maple syrup instead - the flavor is a pleasantly delicious surprise!

7: Quinoa.  I know, now I just sound like a health nut!  All labels aside, quinoa is actually really delicious.  It's easy to make, takes on almost any flavor, provides healthy fats, delivers phytonutrients,  contains antioxidants and puts fiber on the menu!  Eat it with berries, herbs, protein, butter, beans, greens, spices or just a little salt and you have yourself a meal!

I look at this list and I see dozens of combos fit to plan for a months worth of real food.  While you decide how you might keep my seven favs on your menu, drink some clean, cool water.  Make sure you add some vitamins for your vitamins and wash your hands of boring.  Real food can be easy on the take, the make and the taste buds.
