Saturday, September 13, 2014

There's Nothing Wrong with My Meal Plan!

I have been trying to get the shoes back in the closet, the laundry back in the drawers, the cans in the pantry, the meat in the freezer and the homework signed and in the corresponding backpack.  We are in the season of 'get our shit-together' and it's been a very messy process.  Each kid has been served with papers of every color and request from new, fairly organized teachers.  Their physicals are in, their teeth are clean, their backpacks are full, and my tank is empty.  Scott is out running a tri-Athelon today and I have only gotten out of bed once to refill my coffee.  (I can hear the kids laughing downstairs as I write.)

Two weeks into school and we are finally getting caught up.  The first week of school my Mother-in-Law was here, which literally saved our lives.  She made French Toast for breakfast on the first day of school, American Chop Suey for dinner (a New England Classic, I'm told), and helped keep the kids out and about while I conducted client calls and constructed emails.  That week was a patch work quilt of old, new, and fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants.

This last week was better. Scott made a fabulous steak and asparagus dinner on the weekend; a local butcher was involved.  I made something out of chicken pieces and a vegetable that I can't remember.  I finally shopped on Tuesday which yielded home made spaghetti sauce, stuffed peppers, roast chicken and quinoa, kielbasa and baked beans, and pork steaks with lots of green things.  Each night we enjoyed steamed veggies, butter, and oils, and each lunch was made from leftovers.  We even breakfasted on fruit, toast, eggs and yogurt with home-made granola.

All of this great food came in handy on Thursday as all 5 of us participated in the Run to Remember at 6 am... in the morning.  As I watched all of my children cross the finish line full minutes before I did on that 3 mile race, I, again, was reminded how much further I have to go in my 1/2 marathon training.  Some runs are really strong and consistent, others are defeating; all have been shorter than 13 miles.  After a great dinner tonight, I will put myself to bed in anticipation of running 10 miles tomorrow. I will sleep knowing the kids are so fantastic because I feed them so very well.

Even on weeks when we shop just before we eat, I know there is truly nothing wrong with my meal plan.   I know kielbasa isn't real food, but nearly everything else that lands on our plate is nourishing in one way or another.  The shoes will eventually land in the closet, the laundry will soon find its way out of the hamper, and the kids will always have things to return to their backpacks.  There will also always be Saturday mornings to lay in bed, and write, and sip coffee, and listen to the laughter from the kids.

And, as always, time to wash our hands.


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