Wednesday, September 4, 2013


September brings children back to school, color to the leaves, cool to the water, depth to the sunset and soup to the table.  It is a month covered in crafts because of an empty house.  A month captured in photographs of fresh starts and late evenings.  A month filled with ambition evident on every campus and courtyard and in every cafe and coffee shop.  September is the beginning of fall.  The end of summer.  A physical and transformative month of change.  Reader, let's follow September's example!

Recently I read a book full of suggestions on how to take responsibility for my own situation.  I was taken a back a bit by the notion that I was/am/will be to blame for my own circumstances (good or bad).  My problems are my problems.  I am responsible for where I am-   if I am unwilling to take responsibility than I am essentially giving away all of the power I would otherwise put toward finding a solution to my problems.  After all of this smoldered a bit, I started to hear all of the moments where I have given away my power:  "I'll wait until Monday."  "When I'm feeling stronger."  "After I know what 'they' think."  "It's my fault."  "I should have, would have, could have if..."  I realize, just as I find beauty in the changing season and welcome a different sense of surroundings, so can I find comfort in intentionally changing my own actions, moments of decision and efforts of consideration.  

A few weeks ago I lamented my thoughts on getting back into 'section x' of the closet.  In that post I stated, "The best way to define 'the thing' you would love to do is to sit down and think of a time in your past when you felt productive, happy, challenged, healthy, and empowered.  If you have already felt those feelings about an activity or lifestyle in the past, you can and are able to rediscover those same achievements in your future."  As we grow, we change and adapt to each situation that affects our own lives.  We adopt a new behavior here, shed a piece of ourselves there.  Waffle on a decision here, share a responsibility there.  We become a different version of the selves we know as our fundamental self.  I find in times of reflection and identification I am generally happy with the version of self that I have become.  At the same time I find I need to be more effective at owning my definition and identity with intention.  Doesn't that sound healthy?  Being intent? 

The seasons change not because of intention but because they are cyclical.  Automatic.  Expected.  Anticipated, even.  Enjoying the ever-changing yet steady world around us is comfortable, but living and loving in health should be intentional.  Purposeful.  A direct result of the decisions that we have made based on an education derived from past decisions whether they were successful or not.  Waiting for the same old decisions to feel different because of a seasonal or cyclical environmental change isn't intention, it's inaction.  Making a choice based on the fact that "I have always ......" is the exact opposite of making a decision.  Intention is defined as both 'a thing intended; an aim or a plan', and 'the healing process of a wound'.  Yes, that sounds healthy.  Intent.

Eat real food.  Drink plenty of water.  Give your vitamins their vitamins and remember to wash your hands.  And, for a change, be intent.  


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