Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Week in Review: Be Accountable for Exercise!

With a holiday menu planning and a naughty or nice list started, exercise is probably right there on the back burner, right?  Isn't it funny how the less we focus on exercise and the more we focus on clutter the more stressed we become?  Menus are cluttered.  Shopping lists are cluttered.  The November and December bank statements are cluttered with purchases (whether we remember them or not).  The table is cluttered with dishes, the halls are decked with decor, the tree loaded with ornaments...  and the stress we feel during the season is directly related to the mess.   De-stress and enjoy more of your holiday season by adding in a little dance, a little jog, or a little vacuuming...  Exercise!

From April 5, 2013:

Be Accountable for Exercise! (Exercise?  What's That?)

Readers, you all know that exercise is serious business, but what you may not know is how many of your daily activities count as exercise!  Running, walking, weight lifting, elliptical riding, biking, stair climbing and yoga all count.  So does Pilates, Zumba (and the other kind of Zumba), Insanity, P90X, kick-boxing and Jazzercise!  But bowling, vacuuming, Wii boxing, Just Dance-ing, skiing, reading and laundry all make the same list.  When it comes to exercise, sweat isn't the tool of measurement; movement is!

This weekend I am running a road race with my husband and three hundred other 'in-shape' pavement pushers.  As you have read, I have been running a few times a week on a treadmill with a revolving goal of beating my own 30 minute distance.  My first 'run' delivered just under 2 miles while my latest half hour belt beating delivered a 2.74 mile distance.  Still progress.  Now I am committed to 10 Ks of bridge and borough through Jamestown, RI.

I vacuum a few times a week as well, the dog makes sure of it.  More often than not I am more impressed and pleased with my afternoon push of the vacuum than I am with my afternoon pull on the treadmill.  My entire body moves, my floors look great, and the air smell less like a Hazel-nut.  Laundry brings the same satisfaction.  Visual accomplishment accompanied by skinny jeans and clean cardigans.  The best part?  Home-work satisfies my body's need for movement!  My Fitness Pal accepts my entries of folding and defur-ing as graciously as it accepts my 2.74 miles on a treadmill.

Movement in any shape or form requires, yep, you guessed it, fuel.  I asked my husband this morning what to eat before a run and he replied, "I thought you would be the person to ask!?"  So, as with all other things, I looked it up.  Exercise requires a slow release of carbs, vitamins, and sugar.  What you eat before you exercise depends on how many minutes you have between the meal and the moves.  Oranges, because of their natural sugar, vitamin C, and fiber are great to eat right before a work out while hummus and carrots are good to eat about an hour or so before you hit the gym.  Oatmeal is good early, yogurt is good closer to the run.  Caffeine is good to help maintain focus and fight muscle fatigue but hot coffee works against you because it raises your body temperature.  Needless to say, I found out way more than one paragraph's worth of information on, "What to eat before you run-"  I encourage you to do a quick search before you lace up and vacuum...  fuel is what all movement is made from!

Now off with you!  Exercise, eat real food, give your vitamins their vitamins, drink plenty of water and remember to wash your hands.  And please, if you can spare some, wish me some luck!  I have never run anything close to 10K in my life...


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