Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Challenges; Challengers!

Challenge: a call to take part in a contest or the act of engaging in a competition.  Getting out of bed in the morning, completing a day of work, running a 10K, climbing Mt. Fuji and getting along with your mother-in-law all qualify as challenges.  Eating a whole foods diet.  Exercising on a regular basis.  Taking care of your own mental health.  Nurturing your own emotional and sexual needs.  Education.  Challenges are faced, overcome, or ignored depending on one catalyst: you!

Our middle child is doing a non-fiction report in her fourth-grade classroom this week; Henry Ford is her subject.  One of his quotes that found its way onto her story board is, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."  This has been ringing in my ears for days now applicable to almost every decision, trivial or significant, I make throughout the day.  Can I run 5 miles?  Can I get the laundry done?  Will I have dinner ready on time?  Do I have time for myself?  Can I add guitar lessons and a nutrition class to my schedule?  Am I able... ?  The outcome is usually certain before any task begins based on my own belief in my own abilities.  Whether I think I can or I can't, I am right.

Challenger: one who competes against another in a competition or contest.  It is socially acceptable to compete with others in many different arenas around the globe.  Football, soccer, gymnastics, glee, battle of the bands, chess, debate.  Other challenges are against abstract opponents; a thyroid disorder, insulin dependence, depression, an unhappy spouse, a difficult course or class, a dissatisfying job, weight, health insurance, an underwater mortgage.  Nothing is harder to battle than the challengers we battle emotionally and physically at once.

Abstract challengers are arguably the most difficult to overcome. "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."  Can you lose weight?  Can you beef up your education to get a fulfilling job?  Can you eat better food in order to rid yourself of disease?  Can you become less dependent on your doctor and more dependent on nutrition?  Can you find happiness within yourself?  Are you able...  ?

Defining challenges and challengers is certainly an important part of any growth or health plan.  Remembering that you are your biggest challenge and, you, your biggest challenger is the most important piece of tactical information needed to overcome any and all opponents.  You decide to forgive, to try, to learn, to eat, to sleep, to smile, and to love yourself and others, or you decide not to.  I encourage you to eat food that fuels and nourishes your body, to drink water to nurture your health, to give your vitamins their vitamins, and to wash your hands of doubt and obstinance.  Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right!


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