Monday, June 17, 2013

Go Find an Inspiration!!!

My Auntie Dell recently asked if I have been busy.  Busy.  Errands have been checked off my list and evenings have been full of spring time events.  Neighbors have moved out and in next door.  Our home in Florida has been vacated and filled this month.  Piano lessons.  Gymnastics practice.  Science fair projects.  Work.  Grocery shopping.  And now, the last full week of school is upon us and we are readying ourselves for a series of trips south, west and north to occupy our time until the bell rings again.  More than being busy with revolving schedules, however, lately I have been feeling uninspired.  The cause of the empty blog is certainly attributable to the later.

Based on my own experiences, inspiration is a stimulating and necessary fuel powerful enough make a house wife stick her ungloved hand in the toilet bowl after a week of use by a family of five.  Inspiration can make a teacher finish the school year without hanging on the end of a rope.  Inspiration can make a sailor head to sea for the greater part of the year just to be brow-beaten, starved for sleep and deprived of sex.  Inspiration is the precursor to motivation;  if you can't find the inspiration to achieve a clean bathroom, a successful school year, or to cross the equator, you will never find the motivation to bring it to fruition.

So we are not all house wives, sailors and school teachers, so let's scale this back a bit.  Apply this theory to activities of daily living.  Getting dressed.  Teeth brushing.  Showering.  If we look at our own grooming practices can we say we are inspired?  Do we choose sweatpants and oversized t-shirts because we are only inspired to watch others live life on the television?  Or are we dressed to succeed and impress?  Does the do say "modern and versatile" or does it say "1978 because I don't give a damn".  Does the attitude remain standoffish and rude or is it welcoming and well wishing?  Believe it or not, dear reader, inspiration dictates all of the above~

Have you ever visited Pinterest?  Or Etsy?  Both of these sites are filled with interesting creations, inventions, recipes, crafts, ideas and talent.  Even Facebook is flooded with photos, vacations, accomplishments, party themes and wish lists.  At times, after I visit these sites, I feel exhausted by amount of effort and ability displayed on the screen.  Even out in the world among runners and bikers I feel well below the talent and ability they possess and display to the world.  At work I sometimes feel insignificant compared to the teachers I assist and the office I support. Even around my children and their lessons and activities and books and desires and demands I feel as though there is no time remaining for myself...  so I don the sweatpants and find life living inside of my television as I watch from the couch.  At times, I too, dear reader, suffer from the absence of inspiration.

So, over the last week or so I have wallowed a bit in my slump and enjoyed a dirty house and a wrinkled wardrobe.  My toilets are filthy.  The laundry, again, is Mt. Kila-woman-jaro.  My to-do list is full and my accomplishments have been few.  But...  today I choose to shake it off and allow myself to be inspired.   I encourage you all to do the same.  Start with a great breakfast and a tall glass of water.  Pop a vitamin for good measure.  And, after you clean your toilets and tackle the laundry, remember to wash your hands...  then, go find an inspiration!


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