Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Indulgence is NOT a Four-Letter-Word!

I suppose it isn't one thing that disrupts the balance of health.  The glass of red wine doesn't do much damage.  A small bowl of ice cream can be forgiven, forgotten.  The 'three hours on the couch because it's Monday' can be overlooked, I am sure.  The french toast for breakfast can even be enjoyable with health unscathed if it's an infrequent indulgence.  But what happens if it's always Monday, it's always french toast, it's always 'just a small bowl of ice cream', it's a large glass of red wine and life is always watched on a screen from the couch?  Of course that is not the case, I am sure, but what if the latter scenario is closer to the truth than we care to admit?

Indulgence doesn't have to be looked at as a 'bad word'.  Health is mostly based on how we feel.  If watching a movie makes you feel rested and insightful, watch away!  If writing feeds your mind and helps you feel productive, type your fingers off!  If ice-cream is your reward for getting through three meals of dishes and several backpacks worth of home-work, dig in!  What we all need to be aware of is how much of each reward we allow ourselves to enjoy.  Indulgence is necessary; over-indulgence is dangerous.

How do your decadent retreats realistically impact your health?  (A very personal question, indeed!)  Happiness has vast health benefits.  Joy is immeasurably good for you.  Peace is healing.  Rest is essential.  Knowledge is fortifying.  Risk is also an invigorating, appropriate, energy surging piece of the 'health in balance' equation.  Damage to your health comes from complacency, ignorance, laziness, and stress.  I encourage all of you to find activities, foods, books, hobbies, friends and locations that bring you peace, joy, laughter, and knowledge~  leave the rest on the couch as you live your life.  Don't start tomorrow...  start right now!

Start by eating real, naturally occurring foods, give your vitamins their vitamins, wash it in with water, and, as always, remember to wash your hands.  You are the only one who can decide whether to be still, to be angry, to be joyful, to be bitter, to be lazy, to be positive, to be courageous...  you decide your mood, your ability, your behavior!  What great power you have~


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