Monday, January 6, 2014

Did I Ever tell you How "I5PoL" got its Name?

I have been blogging for about 6 years.  My first blog was called 'The Burrillo Pad'.  It was a beautiful spot where I shared military deployment milestones, family pictures, anecdotes for the life of a housewife, and my own journey as a military spouse. Some mornings, as the children would race around the house chasing the cat or running from the dog, I would type my thoughts and aspirations.  And, some evenings, as the children would pop out of their beds to my voice telling them to get back to sleep, I would reveal my mistakes as a mother so my husband, serving in Iraq, could better understand life as we knew it.  I closed 'The Burrillo Pad' when Scott came home and have regretted it every day.

I continued blogging with 'Starting in the Middle'.  I view the world, and all things in it, in terms of the now.  Now implies that something came before and some things are yet to come; even in the grand scheme of things, there was only one beginning.  I am mid-thirties, somewhere in the middle of wife, mother and self, in love with the middle of my life, the middle of my marriage, and the middle of my education.  I love the middle of a wine bottle, the weather in mid-August, the pages that come before the conclusion of a novel, and sleeping in the middle of the bed.  I declare new beginnings quite often, but those beginnings start in the middle of my journey, no matter how declarative I get.  'Starting in the Middle' is still open, but I haven't posted there in a while-  I must be the middle of a long pause.

Then I discovered that my passion, my purpose, is in food.  Nutrition.  Wellness.  Phronesis.  Eudaimonia.  I started devouring blogs, articles and opinions about nutrition. I watched numerous documentaries about food, the facets of health, the global impact of farming and bees.  After a time I found myself scanning the headers and skipping to the end of information;  simply put, I became impatient in the middle.  I thought to myself, "It would be great if all of this information was more concise, like an essay," and 'In Five Paragraphs or Less' was born.  A position, three supporting details with supporting details, and a conclusion consolidating wide ideas about nutrition.

You are what you eat; let food be thy medicine; the body is designed to heal itself; calories do not measure health; diet is not a fad; nutrition is individual but common threads are present.  The human body cannot make what it cannot make so we have to add nutrition to the body, as though assembling a recipe for the perfect cake, the best lasagna, or the ultimate sundae.  Doses of happiness, satisfaction, motivation, love, joy, education and passion are nutrition for the soul, just as a celebration calls for cake, the family table calls for  lasagna, and a hot romantic evening calls for a sundae.  That is what I5PoL is made of.

Lastly, I figured, if you are like me, you might become impatient in the middle and skip to the end so my conclusion, too, needed to be fortified with wholesome, nutritious advice.  Something like 'eat real food, drink plenty of water, give your vitamins their vitamins and remember to wash your hands'.  I know I can't tell you what will make you healthy or what will make you well, but I can highlight and a thousand ingredients you might use to achieve health and wellness...
one ingredient at a time ...
in five paragraphs or less...
and conclude with cleanliness...

...and that is how I5PoL got it's name.


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