Monday, February 18, 2013

An Unjustified Lunch~

Holiday; a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done.  A day off.  Recess.  Feast. Festival.  Vacation.  Today, Presidents Day, is many of these things; a recess from school and work.  Not typically synonymous with a feast or festival, but certainly a day of reflection and rest.  While you rest, I challenge you to reflect on what went into your body today.  Then, depending on the size of the reflection, may I suggest you get moving?

This morning for breakfast I had a sensible 400 calorie egg sandwich; my go to energy maintenance food.  Black coffee, lots of water, forgot the vitamin.  Then, an opportunity to eat out allowed the menu to persuade my taste buds into fried fish, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on a giant whole wheat roll with french fries and ketchup to boot~ (is that really how you spell ketchup?)  When I looked up the calories I was astounded; 1040, for the sandie, 500 for the fries and Ketchup = Sixteen hundred calories for lunch!   It's not all about the calories, but the size of my reflection suggests that I should get moving as well~

That brings me to a simple solution we should all follow when trying, attempting, striving to maintain the body we live in.  In addition to educating yourself on what goes into your body, get your body moving!  Walk, jog, run.  Do yoga, Pilates, or stretch from head to toe.  Vacuum vigorously.  Shovel another's sidewalk.  Lift light weights- lift heavy weights.  Use the trainer at the gym.  Take your dog to the park.  Swim.  Just move...  give your body the movement it needs in order to stay turned on and tuned up.

My Auntie Dell suggests taking all fried food out of the diet.  (That suggestion came in after lunch!) As we know, fried food is high in saturated or bad fat.  Lunch today came it at 16 grams of saturated fat; thats 3 grams more than my daily goal!  Even though I ate fish (good) it was fried (bad).  Even though I ate lettuce and tomato on my sandie (good) it was covered in chipotle mayo (kinda bad).  Even though I ate potatoes (good) they were cut, fried, then seasoned and salted (bad).  Even though I drank water (good) I had three strips of bacon with the fried fish and french fries (overkill).  "But, it was on a whole wheat bun..." ~ a familiar justification.

Do you justify your diet in order to gain permission to eat it again?  Do you allow yourself the dessert because you 'ate good all day'?  Do you dismiss the fried fish because it was on whole wheat?  Today I learned that I certainly do.  "But what is the harm in that?"  Tomorrow, after real food, a vitamin, and lots of water, I will tell you my answer.

As always... remember to wash your hands.  Now get moving!


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