Wednesday, February 6, 2013


To keep with the sleep theme this week I think it appropriate to talk about exercise.  My interpretation of exercise isn't the obvious interpretation, although I agree that a deep sweat is good for you and physical exertion is beneficial.  As my husband might say, I have a kinder, gentler view of exercise.  In fact, I am even going to substitute the word 'exercise' with 'stimulation'.

Has driving ever made you tired?  What about reading?  What about a craft that took thought, time, concentration, and contemplation?  How about an afternoon of board games or budget balancing?  The simple explanation is 'stimulation'.  Now, sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the tube may qualify as light (as in flashes of colors, not mild) stimulation, but it lends little to activating the brain to do anything except stay awake~  Stimulation is effective in increasing the need for repair only when your brain or body (or both) has been at alert and then, to some extent, exhausted.

Stimulation can be physical.  A long run, high impact programs, a long swim, weights; basically a measurable exertion of calories and sweat.  Physical exercise, though it does its part to strengthen the body and cleanse the systems, is not synonymous with health.  Americans tend to be focused on weight as health due to how obvious obesity is as a risk factor for serious health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and congestive heart failure (circulatory).  A sedentary lifestyle expands one's physique and leaves the brain idle which keeps circulation slow, which leaves the heart to weaken, which decreases effectiveness of circulation, which lowers metabolism, which effects hormone balance, and from there, because we know all of our systems rely on each other, a snowball effect of dis-ease ensues.  Not only obese people have sedentary lifestyles~

Stimulation can also be more holistic.  Use the mind, body, soul, and heart.  Laugh.  Love.  Sweat.  Enjoy. Eat.  Sounds overwhelming, right?  Not only do you have to sweat, but you have to learn, invest, participate, persist, cook, and absorb the world around symbiotically.  When we decide to try something new, to challenge our bodies, to retrain our brains, to create a new meal, to enjoy an new joke, to leave ourselves open for an experience, we are truly stimulated.  When we have to think, feel, breathe, stay alert, and problem solve the body delivers on energy and then seeks a time for repair. A wonderful wake~sleep cycle that can be truly enjoyable.

In the way of enjoyment is often stress.  Also, depression, aging hormonal changes, and various conditions of health can impede desire for stimulation and/or enjoyment.  My advice is to pick one thing to do differently.  You are in control of everything you put into your body and everything your body does!  You can choose to do everything like you did yesterday or to do everything different~  Start with one thing.  Enjoy a great meal; invite a friend!  Go out and grab yourself some chocolate chewy vitamins and laugh as you eat them.  Splash some lemon in your water and indulge in a great photo book of a place you'd like to visit.  Soak in a bubble bath...  make time for you...  exercise... stimulate... and sleep well!


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