Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Electrolytes; sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium.  We have all heard and emphasis on drinks like Gatorade and Pedialyte because they replace electrolytes, but who needs them?  When do we need them?  Why do we need them?  Do we really need Gatorade to get it done?

Electrolytes are defined as "minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge". They aren't hard to find.  Bananas have potassium, we add salt to everything, calcium is in the milk we drink and the cheese we eat.  Magnesium is found in beans and nuts and dark greens.  Phosphorus, too, is found in beans, nuts, cheese, milk-  a large variety of foods.  No wonder electrolytes are not talked about; they are littered throughout our diets.  But~  the body looses those delicious electrolytes through breath, sweat, exercise, exertion, and activities of daily living. 

"What do electrolytes do?" The body's pH and hydration levels, as well as tissue and muscle function, depend on and are dictated by electrolyte balance (pH is the acidity or alkalinity of the blood and other fluids; hydration is the measured amount of water cells hold on to).  Electrolytes need to be balanced in order  maintain hydration and excretion; to maintain pH levels; to elevate tissue and muscle function; to optimize cell function; to balance the body.  

Every body needs electrolytes.  Sodium, calcium, and magnesium are macro minerals, which means we  should ingest hundreds of milligrams daily.  And, as we now know, these minerals are found in most of the foods we eat, therefore we should be getting enough.  So, if we eat a balanced diet, electrolytes will balance themselves.  The kicker?  If we eat foods loaded with electrolytes and then do not drink enough water, we become unbalanced.  Muscles and tissues then suffer, dehydration occurs, pH is unbalanced, blood and fluid acidity levels elevates, and nutrition/absorption is then effected.  If we drink copious amounts of water and do not eat a balanced diet~  you can see where this is going.

Do we need to drink Gatorade?  Decidedly, no.  Knowing that we loose electrolytes as we breathe, as we sweat, as we exercise, and as we complete activities of daily living empowers us to eat real, electrolyte rich foods. To drink copious amounts of water as well.  Take a great multi vitamin to ensure proper nutrient consumption (your body will dispose of anything it doesn't need).  And, as always, remember to wash your hands.


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