Friday, February 1, 2013

A Low-0-Cal-Fatless Diet?

Yesterday I drank two glasses of water; less than a liter.  I also consumed four cups of coffee.  I did take my vitamins and I did eat great, real food, but my water intake was so low that all of the great food I ate is still hanging around.  It's in there, low in my intestines, waiting for the flood gates to open so the goodness of water can wash it in~  other wise it will go unabsorbed and discarded like the cardboard box my Amazon order arrived in.

So silly how large of an impact low fluid intake has.  I was crabby, over tired, runny nose, easily stressed and I tossed and turned as I slept.  Not because of one day with low water intake, you say?  Because water is largely responsible for digestion, absorption, blood circulation, toxin removal, and just about every chemical process within our bodies due to cell respiration, I am certain lack of water was the culprit for it all~

Changing your health can be just that easy; increase your water intake.   Health, in America, has become so synonymous with weight that most think, without really thinking, health can be changed by lowering food intake.  Well, because we are made up of ten systems working and depending on one another, the amount of food we consume is only part of the equation.  What is true, however, is that everything we make within our bodies, from blood cells to saliva, from collagen to enzymes, from nuero-transmitters to muscle tissue, starts with the quality of food we choose to put in our bodies; the amount, if the food is real and whole, is negligible.  (I don't recall many stories about ill health that started with, "I got this way not only because I ate too many whole fruits and vegetables and too much fish and lean meats, but I also ate nuts, seeds, beans, herbs and fresh at that!~)  

In America we have daily recommended amounts of just about everything, herbs excluded.  Daily fat intake, daily calcium amounts, daily vitamin guidelines, and recommendations for servings sizes connected to six different food groups.  On the other side of the argument we have those who stand by fasting as the solution to health, we are given options that are low-fat, no-fat, 0-calorie, and we are told of several epidemic health conditions like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.  What if we decided, as a nation, to only eat foods without nutritional labels?  What if we drank green tea instead of Diet Coke?  What if we replaced the belief that a low-0-cal-fatless diet was healthy and instead adopted a 'we are what we eat' mentality?

Today, instead of just eating real food and drinking water with a side of vitamins, I encourage you to write down what you eat (and every ingredient listed on the labels) along with the accompanying ounces of water (or soda or wine or juice).  A girl friend of mine is in Weight Watchers (which I only mildly support) but yesterday she said something that stayed with me:  "I am not learning anything I didn't already know; I know what foods are good choice foods.  But, being accountable is what makes me make better choices."  Who better to be accountable to than yourself?

Don't forget to wash your hands~


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