Monday, February 25, 2013

Accomplishment Leads to Joy!

Remember last fall when you had all of the holiday milestones, events and goals to reach?  The dress you wanted to fit into for the Masquerade Ball?  The meal you wanted to create for Thanksgiving?  The repetitive deadlines for Christmas gifts and grocery lists?  Then came New Years Day when you made lofty goals representative of the person you wish to become?  And then nothing~ ?

Goals are simple ways to map out what, where, or who you want to become in a visual, concrete way.  While my husband was deployed I would put sticky notes on my bathroom mirror; 'Pay of CC" and "Walk three miles every day" were among the aspirations.  I saw them every day and during deployment I was able to accomplish all I set out to do.  Accomplishment leads to pride, pride leads to confidence, confidence leads to a stronger self worth, an expanding self esteem and joy!  With all of that ability, just imagine what one could achieve~

My This Year's resolution was/is to be more generous. I have had to set repetitive mini-goals within that desire in the shape of thank you cards and gifts that physically show appreciation or generosity.  I encourage you to remember your long term goal and to define how you are going to accomplish it!  Dedicate a portion of yourself to accomplishing your big picture goal with specific language, individual milestones, and physical evidence of your intentions.  If you are already on that path, you already know the rewards!

This week I set a goal to do a ridiculous exercise series for 10 days.  While I have to be continuously conscious of my generosity, I only have to dedicate 10 days to squat jumps and burpees.  Short term goals are fantastic ability boosters.  Because immediate goals grant immediate success, the likelihood of setting more goals is far greater than if only lofty, long term, big picture plans are imagined.   Do yourself a favor and set a goal to accomplish this week; the return on investment is immeasurable.

Now go!  Give yourself the fuel you need by eating real, fresh, healthy foods.  Give those vitamins their vitamins and wash it all in with water.  And, as always, remember to wash your hands.


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